
Thursday, October 3, 2013

"Buntis Na Ko" = Pregnant

Dear errybody,                        written Sept. 23, 2013

Not a lot of time to write this week, but next week will be awesome cuz I'll send you pictures of the Crocodile farm which we just visited.  The biggest news - I'm "pregnant" in the mission sense, because I'm about to train a new missionary.  Now, it's kind of a different situation because somehow she's already been out 6 weeks apparently so I won't be fully training her (when you train a new missionary, you become their "mom" or here in the Philippines, "nanay")  but this Wednesday I'll get to meet my new companion and I'm super excited!  It'll be hard having my nanay, Sister Ordiz, leave me, but... that's the way of mission life.  Transfer transfer.  This also means I'll probably only be on Palawan 6 more weeks unless something weird happens.  It's the Palawan pattern - trained here, follow up training (or training someone else) then leaving.  That's the main and most important news, for sure.  Pray that all will go well, even though it's going to be hard since I still don't speak the language very well.  

We were walking through Palawan State University (part of our area) and I had my hair down (a rare thing here for me.)  A student started singing a Taylor Swift song as we walked by and when we had passed by he yelled, "BYE TAYLOR!!!"  The Young Women in our ward ask me often "Sister Swift, when's your new album coming out?"  Yep.

And most importantly - baptism!  Sister Jeannic's mom (S. Jeannic works with us all the time and we baptized the second week I was on Palawan) was baptized!  We are soooo happy for her, and that she was ready for that sacred covenant with God.  She's awesome, and even though I often don't understand her cuz her Tagalog is particularly hard to understand, we're really good friends nonetheless :)

Love you all a whole lot!  If my pictures don't upload this week - sorry, there'll be a lot next week then.  We're at a different computer cafe that doesn't work very well all the time.

Look for missionary opportunities (or opportunities to help everyone around you) whenever you have the opportunity.  We definitely take service and missionary work too casually in the U.S. - or at least I know I did.  

Gniti!  Smile!  Mahal kita!  I love you!

<3 - Sister Larsen

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