
Thursday, November 7, 2013

"Boulder fights"; Lessons From Cats; Goals From Age 10

Yep, it's that time... the time of transfers.  I'm getting transferred back to Manila!  Actually most of the Palawan Zone is staying the same, but I'm okay with getting transferred.  I could feel it was my time to go, and I'm excited for the differences in missionary work that I'll discover over in Manila - I know in some ways it will be easier, and in some ways harder.  

This week, because the chances of it being my last week on Palawan were super high, Sister Jennic and Sister Jacquiline said, "Gagawin kami boulder fights para sa inyo bago aalis ka."  "We'll do boulder fights for you before you leave."  I had no idea what that meant.  Turns out it means the traditional eating setting in the Philippines; laying out several banana leaves (in this case, on a bamboo bed they had made), laying the food on top of the banana leaves, then everyone eats with their hands.  I actually really like it a lot, and it's fun.  I still don't know what the actual word is to describe this, but it sure sounds like "boulder fights" to me, hahaha.  I was seriously hoping I'd get to see fighting boulders.  

On the same note, yesterday the Lola (grandma) of Sister Jennic, who when Sister Ordiz and I first were visiting the family was super irate and wouldn't talk to us, declared that she sees we're people of God.  Her heart really has been softened; she was die hard Catholic and mad we were visiting at first but now she really likes us.  She then said, "Because you're leaving I'm going to sing you a song."  It was in Cuyunin, the Palawan dialect, so I didn't really understand it.  It was probably a 5 or 8 minute song, sung by this 80 year old woman and I didn't know if I was tearing up because it was so funny or because I am in many ways sad to leave here.  She had a good voice actually for her age but it was just SO hilarious how soulful and fun she was with it.  Then she started singing about me being on an "aeroplane" going to "Manila" and wishing me luck in Tagalog.  That was sweet, I really appreciated it coming from her especially.

Throughout this entire transfer, we've had a family of cats that lives beneath our window right where we study every day.  Now, I have no idea how this originally happened, because it's fenced off by a very high bamboo fence.  Every day, the momma cat jumps this great distance up to the fence, and claws her way over it to get to her babies which are next to our window.  It's not in any way an easy thing, so I'm not sure how she originally did that when she was pregnant, since there's no other way to get into the fenced off area.  Anyway... every time she hops over that fence she starts trilling (specific kind of meow... man.  I'm still such a cat person) and her kittens are all SO happy to see her and... aw.  Man.  That mom cat wanted to keep her kittens safe, so even though it's very difficult for her to jump that height every time, she does it so her babies will be protected and happy.  There's a lot to learn there... I feel like when I see the examples of people here as well, I see what parents need to do more clearly as I see good (and sometimes bad) examples.  It's not easy to be a parent, but I'm confident my mission is preparing me to someday be a better one.  I am supremely appreciative for the hurculean efforts of my parents in the past to keep me on the right track, instruct, correct, and love me so that I would do what was right and be safe like those kittens.  That spiritual safety is something that I want for every single person in the entire world to experience, and I know that Christ conquered insurmountable opposition so that he could save us, the children of God.  

I've learned a lot this transfer about how important positivity is, to me personally.  Without Christ, none of what I'm doing now or anything that we ever do would be possible.  Our lives would have no purpose.  My understanding of the Atonement has grown in leaps and bounds this transfer, and I am so incredibly grateful for the eternal sacrifice that Christ saw fit to perform so each of us could have the choice to be happy eternally.

And, for fun, here are some of my goals from when I was 9 that my mom found cleaning back home and sent me.  I'm not doing too bad so far, actually.  I was actually surprised "go on a mission" was one of them at that point in my life.

1. Go to BYU Provo
2. Have 10 cats
3. Become an art teacher
4. Have kids
5. Get on a chior [sic]
6. Go on a mission
7. Heart cats even more
8. Get a drivers licence [sic]
9. read all Harry Potter books
10. Make my own flower garden

Love you all!
-Sister Larsen

In celebration of Halloween... I still don't know what these are called.  But their call is super weird sounding and they look like zombie pheasant things.  They just wander around in our area wild.  I'm gonna miss the green and fresh air here, but I know I have other things to do that the Lord sees fit for me now.

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