
Sunday, May 19, 2013

This Is It! (Mission Field Address Included)

Whelp, everyone, this is it!  I'll be in the Philippines MTC for six weeks (still no address for that yet - once I get over there I'll have my mom let you all know.)  Starting Wednesday, people can also email me (those of you that have my email address) and I'll do my best to get back to ya.  Missionaries only have time to write once a week and it's pretty limited, but I'll do my best to get back to everyone and anyone who writes me at least once a week.  My address after I get out of the MTC after six weeks is as follows:

Sister Marinda Flannery Larsen
Philippines Manila Mission
PO Box 1997
Makati Central PO, Makati City
1200 Metro Manila

I am so thankful for this opportunity to serve as a missionary and I know I'll come to love the people of the Philippines.  I hope everyone continues to progress and find more and more happiness while I am gone.  You all are great and I want to keep in touch with anyone who can find the time!

After this all posts on this blog will be emails I sent to my mom, and she will put them up on the site.  Thanks for everything you all have done on me throughout the years!


Nagmamahal (with love,)
Sister Marinda Larsen

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