
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Hello Sister Larsen, I'm Sister Larsen

For starters, that picture is of Anna Marie's baptism two weeks ago.  She's so awesome and we seriously love her family so much, and the progress and joy that's come to their lives through the gospel is so amazing for us to witness.


Here's a confusing thing - there's now a new Sister Larsen in our zone, straight fresh from the Missionary Training Center.  I actually accidentally got a package meant for her a few months ago, haha.  This is gonna be all the confusion.  Everyone thinks we look related (really pale and same color hair) and it's possible - her dad's family lives in Idaho is what she said.   Anyway, they'll call her Sister Larsen the Younger is what they said, hahah.

I had my first green, leafy, delicious salad in 8 months last week.  It was amazing.  I miss salads so much. They like... don't believe in them here.  This salad was from a member in the other ward and they brought it home to us.  I'm going to be such a healthy eater when I get back... there's so much palm oil and terrible ingredients in everything here in the Philippines. I'll have to detox my body for probably a year to get out all the oils and fats, etc. that we eat here.

Here's caucasian problems in Asia... they don't sell brown or blonde bobby pins here.  Only black.  Everyone knows I wear bobby pins pretty much every day... my supply is running low.  Blonde bobby pins - if you're white and coming to asia, make sure you bring a lot of the right color of bobby pins.

Now for the good part.  I've been reading through the amazing book "Jesus the Christ" by James E. Talmage lately.  I've received so much personal revelation testifying to me that Christ is truly the Savior and that we have a responsibility to follow Him from reading that book.  Recently, I read what just really struck my heart with its poetic beauty, especially with relation to missionary work.  

'[Christ said] "Have ye understood these things?"
[The Apostles answered] "Yea, Lord."
[Christ] impressed upon [His disciples] that they should be ready, like well-taught teachers, to bring, from the store-house of their souls, treasures of truth both old and new, for the edification of the world."

Somehow, that passage really inspired me and brought again to my remembrance what I need to do now, as a missionary.  I feel so honored for the trust the Lord has given to me in doing this work, and I hope to always strive to be worthy of it and do my very best.  I hope to enlarge the "store-house of my soul" now on my mission and be able to share knowledge and love with others at all times, and help bring to pass "the edification of the world."  

Today is our temple day, and we are so very excited for that.  I feel so blessed to be here in Manila mission, and even through the hard times and struggles, the Lord really does watch over His servants.  Thank you everyone for your love and support always.

Sister Larsen

This is called a dragon fruit.  It tasted... interesting.  I'm not sure I really liked it, but it's like super duper awesome looking and definitely doesn't look real.

This is what happens when you kneel to pray as a Sister missionary many times a day... you get weird knee calluses.

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