
Friday, January 17, 2014

Cobra Blood--The New Refreshing Beverage

Apparently, one of our members comes from a place in the Philippines where they take cobras... kill them... and then drain the blood into a glass. And then they drink it.  He says he hasn't tried it yet, but that his family has and they say it's...  "invigorating."  That is now on my bucket list for when I come back to the Philippines in 20 years. 

One lady in our ward showed us pictures of the first missionaries in the Philippines (she was here at the time.)  That was awesome.. just a coupla white Elders in the early 70's with all of these cute Filipino families.  I appreciated that - shows the legacy of missionary work we're helping carry on here.

We were walking along somewhere this week and some random kid pointed at me and yelled "HARRY POTTER!!!"  I dunno if it's my glasses or what, but I think he might've been a bit confused.  I will never feel so famous or so awkward in my whole life after I leave the Philippines.

The picture is of Brother Jeffrey!  He is the 10 year old boy who was hit by a motorcycle three days before his baptism before, and was in a cast for 2 months.  His baptism really is a miracle, and we're so happy for him.  When we asked who he wanted to baptize him, he pointed to me, but we told him that Sisters don't do that, hahaha.  He's a great kid and we're so happy that his body has healed quickly from his accident.

Honestly, that's all I've got this week.  It's been pretty chaotic.  We have a lot going on a lot to sort out and keep in control, but somehow we're doing it.  I love this work and this people, even though sometimes it's difficult physically and spiritually.  We see miracles all the time here as we do the Lord's work.  I hope everyone finds opportunities to make the world a better place and reach out to everyone around them.... that's how positive change happens, and I've seen that time and time again here.

Love you all!
Sister Larsen

Happy birthday to Sister Taufa today... this was us at the temple last week.  We have a lot of fun together!  (That sign means "guapo" or "attractive" and for some reason everyone here makes it in pictures.)

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