
Monday, December 23, 2013

Merry Christmas--HERE'S A TONGAN!

I believe I recall Brooke saying that on her mission she had a Tongan companion who she thought was super awesome.  Maybe Larsens and Tongans just get along well... SURPRISE!  TRANSFERS!  Sister Cooper and I were 100% certain she was staying this transfer... as in, she set up a hair apartment and sent out her laundry.  Then she got transferred... surprise!! And I get Sister Taufa.  Sister Taufa is awesome, upbeat, funny, and a great missionary.  This is definitely going to be my most fun transfer thus far on my mission, I can already tell - but we're working hard to stay focused as well on our purpose.

Sister Taufa is from Tonga, and was baptized once when she was 8... but then later they couldn't find the record of it.  So she was baptized again.  Later... they couldn't find the record AGAIN.  So she was baptized again.  Baptized 3 times - she said it was good, since she probably needed it.  Haha, char, joke.

I got a package from Brooke.  Thanks, sister!  You're the best.  I'll make sure to share the love with our kabahays (Sisters who live with us.)  We had a lot of Christmas parties, etc. this week.  We had our missionary Christmas party in the main chapel that's about a 1.5 hour ride from our area.  It was awesome, and I had found this amazing dress at a second hand clothes store here... sparkly, green, gnarly, and festive.  Grandma chic.  I really wanted to wear it, but when we got there (I wore something more conservative on the way to the party) I found out the zipper was broken... I wasn't too fat for it, but it like, wouldn't zip up whether the dress was on or off.  I REALLY wanted to wear it.  Sister Taufa said, "Don't worry, we'll fix it!"  So we quickly ran and bought pins and then Sister Taufa took about 15 mins wrestling with it to pin it together.  I said, "It's okay, I wanted to wear it but I can wear the other clothes I came in," and she said, "Nah it's fine, I want my companion to look pretty!"  So, she fixed it all up for me and did me some major service.  How could you not love a companion like that?  She's really teaching me how to serve others with a full heart.

For our Zone skit in front of all the missionaries in Manila, we did this story about a missionary's journey through leaving from home, going to the mtc, his experiences in the field, etc.  We only practiced it once.  It was... okay, haha.  SOOOOO many rules of theater were broken.  It kind of hurt my heart a little how much people turned their back to the audience and weren't projecting.  My part... which I chose, in part because of my dress was to stand with my hands pointed above my head during the part where the missionary was "opening his mouth" talking to people.  He walked up and started talking to me and then his companion said, "Nah man, that's a Christmas tree."  Maybe the most unexpected part of our skit, haha.

Yeah, that's it.  LOVE YOU! NO TIME NOW.  MALIGAYANG PASKO AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Smile!  Remember Christ always and how his birth changed the whole world and our lives individually.  Let us celebrate the real reason for the season, and receive the Holy Ghost in our hearts always.

Sister Larsen

Yeah.  We do Christmas right here.  Christmas Chicken Nuggets!  

Traditional Dance!  The girl in the front is one of our recent converts.  She's awesome and they did this dance at the ward Christmas party.  That's the traditional Filipino costumes as well.

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